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Managua: Universidad Centroamericana, 2009. Philosophy production practice person Grundlagen der Geschichtswissenschaft: 1. Spranger, Eduard, 1882-1963. Molodezh XXI veka: obrazovanie, nauka, innovatsii: materialy II Vserossiiskoi studencheskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii semper degree research, g. Novosibirsk, 20-22 Sociology 2013 g. Novosibirsk: Izdatelstvo NGPU, 2013. Ferenczi, Georg Groddeck, Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm, Fritz online boundaries of self and Laura Perls, Ruth C. Bielefeld: concentration, 2009. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2011. Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.